According to Merriam Webster's dictionary, "hullabaloo" is defined as a state of excitement. And, since we are SO EXCITED about taking Jesus to our neighborhoods, we called this outreach "Hullabaloo!"
Our format is simple: folks sign up to be a HOT SPOT host home. On October 31st, as families are out trick or treating, these HOT SPOT homes will hand out FREE hotdogs & hot chocolate, full-size candy bars, and bags with coupons and info about The Journey Church. Each HOT SPOT host home will need additional volunteers to meet and interact with the many families that will stop by each home.
The goal is to have at least one HOT SPOT host home in each of the major cities around us: Avon, Brownsburg, Plainfield, Danville, and Indianapolis. If we have people who live in other cities, they are welcome to be a Hot Spot too!
Jesus said to "love your neighbors," and this is just one example of how we at The Journey Church do that!

Hot Spot Locations
Visit a Hullabaloo Hot Spot location near you!
1723 Pele Place
Indianapolis, IN 46214
9325 Princeton Court
Plainfield, IN 46168
7830 Cross Creek
Avon, IN 46123
5422 Aster Drive
Plainfield, IN 46168
525 Brentwood Dr. E.
Plainfield, Indiana 46168
8091 Crumwell Dr
Avon, In 46123
524 Foxboro Drive
Avon, IN 46123
9230 Thames Dr.
Avon, IN 46123
Interesting in being a HOT SPOT Host Home?
If you'd like to volunteer to be a HOT SPOT Host Home, click the button before and let us know! The church will provide hot dogs, hot chocolate mix, and the bags with coupons and info about the church. The only thing we ask is that you provide the full-size candy bars for your Hot Spot.
Want to volunteer at one of the HOT SPOT Host Homes?
Sign up to volunteer today!